In Term Four, Visual Arts, Exploration students will explore the art area of printmaking. They will be
introduced to basic printmaking concepts and techniques and use various art materials to create their
own prints. They will develop their fine motor skills through hands-on activities as they experiment with
colours, shapes and textures. Students will learn how to mix and apply paint on printing surfaces for
different effects and understand how to create prints using various methods and materials. They will
participate in art-making activities that foster their creativity and self-expression through the creation
and reproduction of their own designs.
Exploration students will engage with portraiture art by viewing a variety of portraits across different art
forms. They will discuss what the artist intended to convey about the subject and will consider this as
they reflect on their first year of primary school and create their own self-portraits.
In Visual Arts in Term Four, Discovery students will be exploring the Art area of Textiles. They will look
at how textiles are used in different ways in artworks around the world for a variety of purposes, and
with a range of materials and techniques. They will experiment with various textile techniques,
focusing on simple weaving and yarn-wrapping projects. They will learn about the historical
significance of textiles in Australia and around the world, in storytelling and cultural expression.
Students will use their creativity and self-expression to create their own textile artworks inspired by
the cultural artworks and products they have viewed and discussed. They will present their finished
pieces to their peers, celebrating their learning and creativity while appreciating and honouring the
cultural inspirations behind their artworks.
In Visual Arts in Term Four, Curiosity students will develop their skills in the Art area of Drawing. They
will explore the elements of line, colour, shape, texture and space using oil pastels, watercolours and
other mediums. They will enhance their artistic vocabulary as they practice a range of drawing
techniques to build their skills and artistic creativity.
Students will view and analyse the work of portraiture artists throughout history and explore how
these artists captured emotions, personality, and cultural context in their artworks. They will consider how
an audience may interpret the artworks differently depending on time, culture and context.
Students will reflect on the story of the birth of Jesus and create their own portrait artwork of Jesus’
Mother Mary, drawing inspiration from their research and personal interpretations.
In Visual Arts in Term Four, Challenge students will engage in the Art area of Modelling. They will view
the work of historic sculptors and contemporary artists, drawing inspiration from their styles and
concepts. They will engage in discussions about the role of sculpture throughout history and in the
Through hands-on modelling activities, students will explore a variety of materials and techniques to
create three-dimensional artworks. They will develop their ability to visualize and construct forms,
enhancing their understanding of space and structure. Students will have the opportunity to creatively
express themselves through both collaborative and independent artworks.
They will participate in a collaborative mixed-media project showcasing the story of the birth of Jesus.
They will then create their own 3D models, where they will have the opportunity to express
themselves freely. Students will reflect on their creative processes and present their artworks to peers.
Jenn Webb
Visual Arts Specialist Teacher