News & Events

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Dear Families,

We have reached Term Four and the end of the school year is fast approaching. This is likely to be a very busy term as there is a lot still to do before we finish the year.

One of the goals we have had this year is to get our School Community Team up and running. This group has met each term to look at ways that we can strengthen our school community. One of their particular focus areas has been to decide on a major fundraising activity for this year. This aims to raise funds for outside furniture and equipment that will directly benefit our children, with options such as outside benches, vegetable garden areas and possibly things like a Gaga pit (you will need to look this up but apparently this is something that the children would really like) or a shelter for the Kiss n’ Go. Our goal is to raise $15,000 (though it would be amazing if we could raise more!)

The school community team has been working on a Colour Run for our school community to take place on November 29. With this newsletter, parents and guardians will receive information about how they can support this fund-raising initiative. Colour Runs have been used very successfully in lots of schools and are a great way for children to have lots of fun while raising money for their schools. I know that my wife’s school had one last term and apparently their children had a blast!

We want to make this a really fun and exciting experience for our children. Our two sports teachers, Alessio and Markos are working with our deputy principal, Caroline to organise a tabloid sports day for the children, potentially in collaboration with KellySports.

These types of events do not just happen. They take a great deal of organising; the more people get involved, the better the end result. We have already had a number of parents and guardians volunteer to be involved in the Colour Run. I would hope that more parents and guardians would be willing to participate in our School Community Team meeting which will take place in the next couple of weeks so that can make sure this is an event that involves the whole community. Your children will directly benefit from your participation and sharing the load ensures this is a manageable task for those who helping to organise this.



A reminder from the end of Term Three. If you are planning to take your children out of school during term time for an extended period, (a week or longer) you are required to inform me in writing with a reason for your child’s absence. This will help me determine if this is a school-approved absence.






As part of their learning program this term, our Discovery Grade Two Learning Community Team are planning to organise a Food Bank Drive next term. This will be organised and led by the Discovery Grade Two children.


Can I remind parents that the waiting zone at the front of the school is only for pick-up and drop-off. This is not a zone where you can wait or leave your car unattended. We have had a number of parents who have received fines for illegal parking.

This is also a safety issue. With the limited number of parking spaces, some parents and guardians are not parking correctly and asking their children to get into the car when it is still on the road rather than being parked. This is clearly unsafe; in the interests of student safety, we will continue to address this matter with these parents.

I have also noticed that some parents and guardians are regularly arriving to drop children off just as the bell sounds. This often leads to parents not parking safely as they try to get their children into school before the school day starts. It also delays the process of locking up the kiss n’ go. It is important that parents and guardians arrive on time and give themselves time to get their children into school safely before the school day starts.


Please note the information that was sent out at the end of last term. Students should not be wearing jewellery to school, particularly necklaces or large earrings as these are a potential safety risk.

From the beginning of next week, the children need to start wearing their summer uniform. I understand that Melbourne’s weather can be unpredictable and there are likely to be days when it is colder so we will try to ensure some flexibility and reasonableness in this regard, however, the children should be wearing the correct uniform to school. As a SunSmart school, all children must wear a school hat during playtime (the wide-brimmed hats rather than the school beanie). Children without a hat on will need to play in shaded areas.


Please note that due to a timetable clash with multiple competing events, the date of the Semester Two Three-Way Learning Conversations has been changed to Monday, December 9 and Tuesday, December 10. All parents and guardians are expected to attend a three-way learning conversation for each of their children.



07/10 – Term 4 Starts

09/10 – Reconciliation Information Night at 7.00pm

10/10 – 2025 Foundation Transition Session #3

12/10 – Reconciliation Family Commitment Mass at 5.00pm

17/10 – 2025 Foundation Transition Session #4

25/10 – Curiosity Learning Community Assembly at 2.30pm

31/10 – 2025 Foundation Transition Session #5

2025 New Families Information Night at 6.00pm


01/11 – Feast of All Saints Mass at 12.00pm

04/11 – Student Free Day (Report Writing Day)

05/11 – Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday

06/11 – Student Free Day (R.E)

07/11 – Reconciliation Liturgy at 7.00pm

– 2025 Foundation Transition Session #6

08/11 – Reconciliation Sacrament at 12.00pm

12/11 – 2025 Grades 1 – 6 Transition

14/11 – 2025 Foundation Transition Session #7

15/11 – Discovery Learning Community Assembly at 2.30pm

26/11 – Christmas Carols

29/11 – Challenge Learning Community Assembly at 2.30pm


God bless,


Bill Hill


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