Dear Families,
We have now been at school for nearly four full weeks (though, weirdly, this is Week Five of term). The
children are becoming settled once again in the routines and structures of school, though for some, this will
take longer than others. There are always blips and challenges along the way; only by working in partnership
with parents and guardians can we address these effectively.
We pride ourselves on our communication, and I have always been clear with staff about this aspect of
school. However, the work of education is highly relational, and like any relationship, we do not always get
things right. Sometimes, what we think we have said is interpreted differently by the listener. At other times,
we might disagree on what would be the best outcome in a given situation.
As with any relationship, overcoming these challenges requires respectful communication and openness. As
a Catholic school, it is particularly important that our faith and our vision statement guide our relationships
with others. When we say something that causes offence, even if it is unintended, it is appropriate to offer
an apology. However, it is also reasonable to expect that this apology will be accepted so the relationship can
be restored and communication can continue. This is exactly the approach we teach our children at school.
The point is that communication is critical. I know that as a school leader, this is something I take really
seriously, even when I, too, do not always get this right. As we progress through the school year, our parents
and guardians must communicate openly with the school. Initially and in most instances, this should happen
with the classroom teacher, though if these concerns continue, I encourage you to communicate with me so
that I can endeavour to ensure these matters are addressed in a professional and timely manner. Let’s make
every effort to work together to support the needs of the children in our school community.
Challenge Learning Community Camp
Our Challenge Learning Community camp is fast approaching. Can we ask all the parents and guardians of these
children to ensure that forms (especially medical forms) are returned to the school as soon as possible so this
information can be recorded and the teachers can prepare for camp.
Religious Education Updates
In Religious Education, our Exploration students have been exploring prayer. They have been learning how to make
the sign of the Cross and exploring the different people we pray for. Students have also set up classroom prayer
tables with different items such as a Bible, a candle and a crucifix and developed a classroom prayer which is prayed
on a daily basis.
Dear God, come be with us today.
Fill our hearts with joy.
Fill our minds with learning.
Fill our classrooms with peace.
Fill our lessons with fun.
Fill our friendships with kindness.
Fill our school with love.
Staffing Update
Some further sad news regarding our staffing. Joe Zerafa, our maintenance officer/gardener has decided to resign from his position at St Lawrence of Brindisi for health reasons. We extend our gratitude to Joe for his efforts over the last two years. We will now begin the process of replacing Joe so we continue to ensure the grounds are maintained and safe for our community.
Upcoming Dates
01/03: Eucharist Commitment Mass @ 5:00pm
03/03: PSGs
05/03: Foundation Rest Day
Ash Wednesday Prayer Service (Collect Ashes)
Challenge Learning Community Camp to Sovereign Hill
10/03: Public Holiday
11/03: PSGs
12/03 – 24/03: NAPLAN Testing Window
Prayer Service: Grade Two & Three / Grade Four – Six @ 2.40pm
17/03 – 21/03: Catholic Education Week
19/03: Confirmation Parent Info Night @ 6:30pm
Prayer Service: Grade Two & Three / Grade Four – Six @ 2.40pm
21/03: Harmony Day
St Patrick’s Day Prayer Service (Snr School @ 9.15am/Jnr School @ 11.30am)
22/03: Confirmation Commitment Mass @ 5:00pm
26/03: Prayer Service: Grade Two & Three / Grade Four – Six @ 2.40pm
27/03: PSGs
Exploration – Grade Six Learning Expo: 2.30 – 6.00pm
28/03: School Photos
God bless,
Bill Hill