Dear Parents & Guardians,
We are really enjoying being in our new building. Having this space is a real positive for us as a school and over time, we will learn to use this space to its best potential. We are hoping to organise a whole school event for our community and it would be lovely to give parents and guardians the chance to come in any have a look.
Anyone interested in a free TV (and to save me a trip to the skip)? Last year, I was given a TV by a school in Melbourne that was closing, which we have not been able to use, it’s not new, but as far as I am aware, it is in working order. If anyone wants this, please let us know (first come, first served). Be warned, it is very heavy.
Just a reminder that our kiss n’ go drop off and collection is now ready. It does make it easier if parents and guardians are using this rather than parking around the school as this reduces the congestion around the school. Please try and use this area for student drop off and collection.
Another reminder that we are looking for parents who are able to support one of mums who is organising a playgroup at school with support from Melton City Council. You would need to be able to commit to a regular time each week (probably Tuesday mornings) and you would also need to have a valid working with children card. If you think that you might be able to help or would like more information, please contact me at school.
Next week is the first full week for our Exploration (Prep) Learning Community children. All of our Exploration children will need to start attending school on Wednesdays from next week.
Our amazing admin team have made a request that, if at all possible, if children are to be collected early from school, this is done before 3.00pm as this reduces the challenge of having to assist lots of parents at the end of the school day when the office
is already very busy.
They have also requested that if you are collecting children early, parents and guardians try to avoid doing this during recess times (10.50 – 11.30 and 1.40 – 2.15pm) as it is very hard to get messages out to children during playtime.
God bless,
Bill Hill