

We accept enrolments throughout the year, however our usual enrolment process for the following year opens in late March.

Enrolments for the current school year can be submitted at any time. Parents and guardians seeking enrolment should complete the Expression of Interest form which is available on our school website.

To enrol a student, parents or guardians must complete an enrolment form. You will recieve an email inviting you to complete an online enrolment form. You must complete this form and attach the following documents:

  • The completed enrolment form (Make sure that this has been completed in full or you will not be able to submit it. Please ask at the school office if you require assistance)
  • Proof of your child’s birth certificate
  • Proof of your child’s vaccination history
  • Proof of your child’s baptism certificate (if applicable)
  • Proof of Australian citizenship or Visa status if the child and both parents were born overseas.
  • Utility bill as proof of address (gas or electricity)

For Foundation (Prep) enrolments, we only process enrolment enquiries the year prior to a child starting school. This year enrolments will open late March.

All enrolments are governed by the Enrolment Policy set by our governing authority, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools. St Lawrence of Brindisi is one of two schools in the parish of St Anthony of Padua, and, like all schools in the Archdiocese, applies strict zoning boundaries. If you are seeking enrolment at St Lawrence of Brindisi but live outside of our zone, you will need to speak to a member of the school leadership team.


Zoning map: https://www.macs.vic.edu.au/SchoolSearchMap.aspx 


Please note that requests for enrolments are subject to positions being available. St Lawrence is in a high growth area and experiences significant enrolment demand so enrolment vacancies may be limited.