Exploration Learning Community Term 2 Overview
Dear Parents and Guardians,
What a great start back into Term 2, getting straight back into our classroom routines.
Below is an outline of the curriculum that we will be covering this term.
This term in English, we will continue predicting what we think the books will be about by using clues such as the picture on the front cover and the title, talking about what we enjoyed about the book, and starting to retell a story. A focus still is developing the children’s knowledge of the alphabet. A big focus this term will be identifying the first and last letter sound of words. They will also be working on sounding out new words using their knowledge of phonics.
Thing that you can do at home to support your child:
- Practise the letters and sounds of the alphabet
- Reading books together and asking your child to tell you about the story/ shared book
In Term 2, we will continue to work on comparing, ordering numbers as well as identifying numbers that come before and after, for example 5 comes after 4, 7 comes before 8. Students will practise identifying number quantities that are more or less.
Students will be exploring 3D shapes such as cube, sphere, cylinder and cone. They will search for these shapes in their everyday environment. Exploration students will be introduced to location, using language such as up, behind, in front, next to, beside, under, below, between and near.
Thing that you can do at home to support your child:
- Counting (could even be songs and videos) or (counting objects around the house), counting backwards
- Identifying numbers not in order
- Practise writing numbers
- Using location language around the house, park or shops (such as up, behind, in front, next to, beside, under, below, between and near.)
- Finding 3D shapes around their surroundings
In Investigation this term we are learning about the concept of ‘Family’ and communities. This will guide students to share who the people in their family are, through stories, pictures and artefacts. This Term students will also work on the unit, ‘Community Helpers’ and how they keep us safe and healthy. This unit focuses on the people who help us in our community such as, police, firefighters, paramedics, crossing ladies and doctors. We are looking forward to lots of visits from community members such as the police.
Thing that you can do at home to support your child:
- Talk about who belongs in your family
- Talk about community helpers
In Religion, students will be learning about Mary and her attributes and making connections to the people around us to show the same attributes. Looking at familiar characters, events, and messages from some key old and New Testament stories. Students will start to learn and practise the ‘Our Father’ prayer.
We look forward to having a wonderful term.
Communicating with your teacher
Best way to communicate with your teacher will be in the mornings or after school at drop off and pick up. Exploration teachers will be outside every morning near the gates. You are also able to communicate through Seesaw, as we will be posting twice a week.
The Explorers Learning Community
Helen Saunders- helen.saunders@slweirviews.catholic.edu.au
Annabelle Zekic- annabelle.toro@slweirviews.catholic.edu.au
Renee Clapton- renee.clapton@slweirviews.catholic.edu.au