Dear Families,
Early next week, we will send out the Term Overviews for each Learning Community and specialist teacher. These overviews are a great way to communicate to families about the learning that the students will be completing in Term One. It is part of our commitment to communicate openly with our parents and guardians and work with them to enhance the school experience of every home of our children at St Lawrence of Brindisi. Please take time to read these so you get an understanding of the learning planned for your child this term.
2025 Jubilee Year
The Holy Father (Pope Francis) has dedicated 2025 to be a Jubilee Year, which occurs every twenty-five years. The motto is ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, and the Pope intends 2025 to be a year of hope for the world. The Jubilee Year in the Catholic Church offers a unique and profound opportunity for evangelisation in Catholic schools.
The Jubilee Prayer
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
Your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.
Welcome Picnic
Please remember our Welcome Picnic next Tuesday, February 18, from 5.00. to 6.30pm. Bring a rug and some food and lots of conversation. We hope to see you all there.
Tomorrow, an information sheet regarding this year’s NAPLAN assessment for our Grade Three and Five students will be sent home to all parents and guardians. The NAPLAN testing window runs from March 12 to March 24. It is really important that our Grade Three and Five parents and guardians ensure that their children are at school during this time unless they are sick and cannot attend. If you have any questions regarding the NAPLAN assessment, please come and see me.
2025 Sacrament Dates:
Eucharist 2025
Eucharist Family Evening – child and parent to attend
Wednesday, February 26t @ 6.30pm in the school hall
Eucharist Commitment Mass – child and parent to attend
Saturday, March 1 @ 5.00pm at St Anthony’s Church
Eucharist Retreat Day students only
Wednesday, June 18, during school time
Sacrament of Eucharist
Saturday, June 21 at 12:00 pm and 3:00pm at St Anthony’s Church
Confirmation 2025
Confirmation Family Evening – child and parent to attend
Wednesday, March 19 @ 6.30pm in the school hall
Confirmation Commitment Mass – child and parent to attend
Saturday, March 22 @ 5.00pm at St Anthony’s Church
Confirmation Retreat Day students only
Tuesday, August 19 during school time TBC
Sacrament of Confirmation
Sunday, August 24 @ at 2.00pm at St Patrick’s Cathedral
Reconciliation 2025
Reconciliation Family Evening – child and parent to attend
Wednesday, October 8 @ 6.30pm in the school hall
Reconciliation Commitment Mass – child and parent to attend
Saturday, October 11 @ 5.00pm at St Anthony’s Church
Reconciliation Prayer Service child and parent to attend
Thursday, November 6 @ 6.30pm at St Anthony’s Church
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Friday, November 7 @ at 11.00am at St Anthony’s Church – students only
Staff Carpark
We have noticed some of our new families are using the staff car park to park their cars. Some families are also using this as an exit at the beginning and end of the day. Can I remind parents and guardians that the staff car park is solely for the use of staff members. No parent or guardian should be parked in the staff car park. Parents and guardians should not be using the second staff car park on Oldbridge Boulevard to enter or exit the school at the beginning or end of the day.
Student Absences & Illness
Last week, I noted a request to parents and guardians concerning student absences. It is really important that children attend school regularly and that absences from school are kept to a minimum. This does, however, need to be balanced with the reality that if your children are unwell, they should be at home recuperating.
Our staff are good and will be trained in First Aid (along with all the other skills they have), but they are not doctors. If your child appears to be unwell, we will call you to collect them, and it is expected that this is done in a prompt and timely manner. This is one of the joys of being a parent! While I appreciate that parents and guardians are working, it is not the responsibility of the school staff to supervise sick children. We will always look after them when they are at school and take their wellbeing seriously, however, it is the responsibility of parents and guardians to look after their sick children.,
Upcoming Dates
18/02: Welcome Community Picnic
19/02: Exploration Rest Day (Exploration Testing Day)
Prayer Service: Grade 4 – 6 @ 2.40pm
26/02: Exploration Rest Day
Grade Two & Three / Grade Four – Six @ 2.40pm
Eucharist Parent Info Session @ St Anthony of Padua @ 6:30pm
01/03: Eucharist Commitment Mass @ 5:00pm
03/03: PSGs
05/03: Foundation Rest Day (Finalise Moderation Data)
Ash Wednesday Prayer Service (Collect Ashes)
Challenge Learning Community Camp to Sovereign Hill
10/03: Public Holiday
11/03: PSGs
12/03 – 24/03: NAPLAN Testing Window
Prayer Service: Grade Two & Three / Grade Four – Six @ 2.40pm
17/03 – 21/03: Catholic Education Week
19/03: Confirmation Parent Info Night @ 6:30pm
Prayer Service: Grade Two & Three / Grade Four – Six @ 2.40pm
21/03: Harmony Day
St Patrick’s Day Prayer Service (Snr School @ 9.15am/Jnr School @ 11.30am)
22/03: Confirmation Commitment Mass @ 5:00pm
26/03: Prayer Service: Grade Two & Three / Grade Four – Six @ 2.40pm
27/03: PSGs
Exploration – Grade Six Learning Expo: 2.30 – 6.00pm
28/03: School Photos
God bless,
Bill Hill