News & Events

Dear Parents & Guardians

Next week, our school will be participating in the annual NAPLAN assessments in writing, reading, language conventions (grammar) and maths.

Interestingly, NAPLAN is occurring much earlier this year. This will be hopefully be more helpful to schools as we might get the results earlier and have more time to review the results and identify the data this is providing to our school (which has always been challenging in previous years when the data has been sent out to schools so late in the year).

It is also important to note there are some major changes to the way the NAPLAN will report student progress this year which means the results this year cannot really be compared to those in previous years.

The most important thing to remember is that although it has a particular purpose and use, NAPLAN is one test on one day. It should never be used to make an overall assessment of a child. Usually, NAPLAN does not tell schools or parents anything they do not already know. There many other forms of data that provide a more accurate and holistic understanding on a child’s progress.

I am always very alarmed when I walk into retailers like Aldi and find them selling practice NAPLAN books. The evidence is quite clear that this does little to prepare a child but can actually do more harm than good, raising their anxiety when completing this assessment. This is more about a company trying to make a profit rather than concern for the development and wellbeing of a child. We should always undertake practices that are based on research and evidence and there is little evidence, if any, to support high-stakes testing in schools, which is what NAPLAN will continue to be if is given the primary focus in the assessment children.

We are also actively seeking parents and guardians who might be interested in joining our School Community Team. Please read the letter that was also sent out with this bulletin and let myself or one of the SAC members know if you are interested. We would love the participation of as many parents and guardians as possible as this will really benefit all of our children.


I might be biased but I truly believe that we are blessed to have some great teachers at St Lawrence of Brindisi. I would like to encourage the entire school community to contribute nominations via the following link:

It would be awesome to see some of our incredible staff, who work so hard for your children nominated.

On another note, our wonderful cleaner, Lesley was nominated for an award for her work recently. Most of you will not see Lesley as she cleans before and after school but she does an awesome job and her nomination was thoroughly deserved. Well done, Lesley!!


A reminder from our admin team that if you are collecting your child early from school, this is should be done before 3.00pm. Please also avoid collecting them during recess times (10.50 – 11.30 and 1.40 – 2.15pm).

Please remember that if you child arrives late for school (after 8.50am) they must be signed in by an adult in the office. Do not leave the children in the office leave before you have done this.


We are still looking for parents and guardians to volunteer for our playgroup which will be starting in Term Two led by one of our amazing mothers and SAC members, Jaymi le-Ung, mother of Jasper in Grade 1. Please let myself or Jaymi know if you can help.


While the COVID situation has eased this year (thankfully) sick children should still not be sent to school. If they are displaying symptoms of illness, we will call you to have them collected for the safety and wellbeing of our community.

If your child does contract COVID (yes, it’s still out there!) you should still report this to the Department of Health. Your child must isolate for 5 days and only return to school on the sixth day if they have no symptoms and are no longer unwell.


We are noticing that a lot of children do not have the correct items of uniform. While we try not to be too difficult about this, our children should really have the correct uniform. They should have the St Lawrence school bag, school hat and black not coloured shoes (unless it is their sports day). Please make sure that your child comes to school with the correct uniform.

Please make sure this is labelled. At the moment, I could clothe most of Weir Views in the lost items of uniform that we have in the office and most of these have no names marked on them. This makes it very difficult for us to return them. All items of uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Please read the letter that has been sent home regarding the start of the school day and collecting children at the end of the day. I would strongly encourage parents and guardians to use the new kiss n’ go rather than stop on Waterway Boulevard as this reduces congestion around the school, which increases the safety of our children.


School Photo’s will be taken on Thursday 30th March. Information envelopes will be sent home with the children next week.

God bless,

Bill Hill.



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