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Curiosity (Grade Four) Learning Community Term Four Overview

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to Term Four 2024,

This Term the Curiosity (Grade Four) community will be focused on reading and writing narratives. The
students will be exploring the writing process through planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing a
narrative. The students will be looking at developing a character and how their language choice adds to the
development of their narrative. We will also identify the structure of narrative writing and explore how to
add detail to their writing to develop the tension. We will continue to work with the students to develop
fluency when reading and they are expected to practice this at home each night.

At home, you can support your child by:
● encouraging them to participate in nightly reading, either independently or with siblings and parents.
● asking your child to summarise the important parts of a text.
● listening to your child read aloud and ensure they are not reading too fast or too slow, and using
relevant expressions.
● encourage your child to ask questions about things in the world that they don’t understand.

In Mathematics this term we will be learning how to solve for unknown values using addition and
subtraction, the importance and meaning of the equal sign. Later in the term, we will explore multiplication
and division and apply these skills to solve worded problems. Students will be supported to apply prior
knowledge and known strategies to solve mathematical operational problems.

At home, you can support your child by:
● when shopping, ask your child to add and subtract amounts of money, including calculating change.
● ask your child to read a clock and tell you the time using appropriate time language (past, to)
o e.g 9:05 is said as 5 past 9
● include your child in looking up locations and directions using maps. You can challenge your child to
give you directions for driving to school or a familiar place.

In Investigations this term, we will be understanding the importance of cyber safety and understanding how
to be safe digitally. Later in the term, we will explore the different levels of government and the roles of each
level. We will then focus on the local level of government and what they are responsible for within the community.

At home, you can support your child by:
● talk to your child about what the local level of government does (rubbish, parks and gardens,
footpaths etc).

● discuss with your child about the upcoming local government election and the importance of voting
and what it means to vote.

This Term the Curiosity community will be exploring the Franciscan values and how they relate to our school.
We will be understanding the importance of Mary within our faith and making the connection between Mary
and the Rosary. Later in the term, we will be developing our understanding of morality and justice and how
the Catholic Social Teachings inform our decisions. Students will then interpret the Christmas Infancy
Narratives and come to understand the meaning of Advent through scripture.

At home, you can support your child by:
● talking to them about Advent and the birth of Jesus.
● discussing morality and justice, the difference between right and wrong and how this is informed by
our Catholic faith.

This term, during Auslan the Curiosity students will learn about celebrations within the deaf community as
well as those within our Catholic faith. Later on in the term students will learn how to sign different Catholic
stories like Noah’s Arc and the Birth of Jesus.

At home, you can support your child by:
● asking them to show you new signs learnt
● discussing why learning Auslan is an important skill to learn and how this language can connect
people together.

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. We have provided emails below and
will endeavour to respond between 8.30am and 3.30pm on school days.

Curiosity 4 (Karina Mon, Tues):
Curiosity 4 (Courtney Wed – Friday):
Curiosity 5 (Kaye):

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