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Exploration Learning Community Term Four Overview

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope you have all had a restful break and are ready for the last term in Exploration. The year seems to have flown by.

Below is an outline of the curriculum and learning that will be taking place during Term Four.


This term students will continue to develop their comprehension skills in order to be able to retell a story or book that they have listened to, viewed or read independently. During reading sessions students will continue to develop their skills in answering questions that are literal (answers are in the text) and inferential (the questions are answered by interpreting clues from part of the text to figure something out).

During Writing, students will continue to develop their handwriting skills, ensuring they are forming the upper and lowercase letters correctly. Students will continue to develop their independence in writing grammatically correct simple sentences, with a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and a full stop at the end. Students will continue to use the Bump It Up Wall to support their writing development.

Thing that you can do at home to support your child:

  • Continue to read with your child each night, asking your child to tell you about the book and asking them questions about the book, e.g. what was your favourite part and why?
  • Please remember to sign the Reader Diary each time you have read with your child.
  • Continue to work on alphabet identification/sounds/high frequency words.


In Term Four, students will continue to work on developing and strengthening their number knowledge and skills, practising their ability to write, order, compare, and represent numbers to at least 20. Students will explain their reasoning and what they are thinking.

This term we will be revisiting many of the concepts previously taught, practising and consolidating concepts learnt throughout the year.

Students will continue to explore measurement, revisiting length, weight, capacity and time. There will be a particular focus on developing their measurement vocabulary to describe and compare measurements;

for example, shorter than, longer than, heavier than, lighter than, longest, shortest, etc. We will practise sequencing the days and events of the week.

Things that you can do at home to support your child:

  • Counting from different starting places (e.g. 6, 7, 8, 9), counting backwards from 20.
  • Practise writing numbers

Talk about money when going to the shops or making purchases


During Term Four, students will start off by becoming familiar with the concepts of ‘past’ and ‘present’, discussing and sorting events, pictures and objects into ‘past’ and ‘present’ categories.

In Week Three, we will look at habitats and the needs of living things, and will visit the farm at Diggers Rest. We will explore and discuss how we can look after our world.


In Term Four, we will continue to develop our understanding of the Bible and explore events, characters and messages in the Old and New Testament. Later in the term we will be learning about Advent and the birth of Jesus.


We look forward to having a wonderful last term.

Exploration Learning Community Team

  • Helen Saunders –
  • Annabelle Zekic –
  • Renee Clapton –


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