News & Events

Dear Families,

Next week, all families will receive information regarding the school fees for 2025. The matter of school fees is a sensitive one. We understand that in the current climate, finances are stretched, and it is sometimes a challenge to make the money go around.

The setting of school fees is not something we take lightly. This takes a significant amount of discussion in consultation with our MACS Business Partner, the person authorised by our governing authority to oversee our finances. We have to juggle the financial constraints of families with the need to pay our bills.

As you will see from the flyer that has been sent home to families, we derive our funding from three sources: commonwealth government grants, state government grants and the fees paid by parents. Of these, the fees paid by the parents and guardians make up the smallest proportion of the money the school brings in. We could not pay our staff or run our school just on school fees. School fees are a necessary requirement to ensure that our school is able to operate.

Our governing authority has a significant voice in the setting of school fees as they are required to ensure that all MACS schools are financially viable. This is particularly the case for schools such as ours, which are servicing debts accrued from the various stages of our building program. They provide guidelines to schools concerning fee levels to ensure that schools are managing their budgets carefully. When setting the fees for 2025, MACS has given us clear directions to ensure that we meet their financial expectations.

If you have any questions or concerns about school fees, I ask that you make a time to come and meet with me to discuss this. Discussions regarding school fees are always done in the strictest confidence. As a Catholic school, while we do have fees and need these, we also need to be considerate of the circumstances of families and are working hard to support families that need assistance with payment of fees.



On Tuesday, Baptised Catholic students in Years Two, Three and Five received a letter to enrol in the 2025 Sacramental program. If your child did not receive an enrolment letter, could you please email Jay Russell at by November 18 at the latest.

Any other families that would like their child to participate in the 2025 Sacramental, could you please also contact Jay Russell by November 18.



All children must now be wearing hats to and from school and when playing outside. We need to ensure that we are protecting our children during the warmer, sunnier months. All children must wear a school hat rather than another non-uniform hat or the school beanie). Children without a hat on will need to play in shaded areas.



Please note that the Exploration Learning Community Assembly will now take place on Thursday, November 14 at 2.30pm.


01/11 – Feast of All Saints Prayer Service at 12.00pm

04/11 – Student Free Day (Report Writing Day)

05/11 – Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday

06/11 – Student Free Day (R.E)

07/11 – Reconciliation Liturgy at 7.00pm

– 2025 Foundation Transition Session #6

08/11 – Reconciliation Sacrament at 12.00pm

12/11 – 2025 Grades 1 – 6 Transition

14/11 – 2025 Foundation Transition Session #7

15/11 – Discovery Learning Community Assembly at 2.30pm

26/11 – Christmas Carols

29/11 – Challenge Learning Community Assembly at 2.30pm


God bless,

Bill Hill


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